Memscon - Radio frequency identification tags linked to on board micro-electro-mechanical systems in a wireless, remote and intelligent monitoring and assessment system for the maintainance of constructed facilities.  
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Radio frequency identification tags linked to on board micro-electro-mechanical systems in a wireless, remote and intelligent monitoring and assessment system for the maintainance of constructed facilities.

Release of the sixth MEMSCON Newsletter

Release of the fifth MEMSCON Newsletter

Release of the fourth MEMSCON Newsletter


Contract No: 036887 

Project total cost:  4.632.430

EC contribution: 3.814.816

Project Start Date: 1/10/2008

Duration: 36 Months

Coordinator: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Athens, Greece

Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project

No of partners: 12


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D6.3 - Plan for the dissemination and use of the results First version


Within this document a dissemination plan and report is arranged in order to assist the effective use of resources allocated to the dissemination task and demonstrate its achievement up to now.

The dissemination plan for the whole duration of the project until its end is here presented. This includes the maximizing of the effort to advertise the project’s results and research findings to the public so that the project achieves a real impact in the community.

The plan aims to provide:

- the objectives and the strategy for dissemination;

- a general procedure for the dissemination, including instructions and


- a report of the achievements of the dissemination up to now and a prevision per each year of the project duration.

During the first part of the project the dissemination activities has been focused on spreading the concepts and ideas behind the project’s research activities. MEMSCON consortium regularly presents papers and publications to various national and international events as described in this report. Generally the added value of each event is priory examined, making sure each time that the maximum amount of audience belonging to the target groups already specified will be reached. This is and will be achieved through project presentations not only to European located international events but also to conferences in the United States and congresses at international level. The above events will be complemented with publications to major high impact conferences and also, in the future, to international journals.

At the same time extensive care of the MEMSCON website through continuous updates will aim in maintaining the interest of both experts and end users, while regular newsletters are sent to the User Forum members. Dissemination material has already been produced in the first part of the project, and this activity will be extended in the following period.

Finally, the outcomes of the project will be presented in two international workshops specifically dedicated to the project and organized by members of the consortium.